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Re: The Continued Attack on Cash (Was: "The Right of Anonymity"...)

At 4:56 pm -0500 on 2/4/98, Attila T. Hun wrote:

>         "Americans do not buy for quality, they buy for price"

Which must explain our gross national product, then. Cheaper, as always,
*is* better.

>     as John Ruskin said:
>     1.  those who buy for price alone are this man's lawful prey.

Those who *don't* buy for price alone are usually somebody's lunch sooner
or later.

>     2.  the price of oats is significantly cheaper when it has been
>         processed by the horse.

It ain't oats, then. It's horseshit. Aparently aristocratic horseshit, if I
remember Mr. Ruskin's bio right...



Robert Hettinga ([email protected]), Philodox
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