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Re: Changing to Moderated Cypherpunks -- How?

Soon I won't see you anymore, using the moderated list.

   >   Thu Feb  5 20:22:33 1998
   >   Dimitry "Totally Impotent Since Prostrate Operation" The Dim wrote:
   >   Adam Back <[email protected]> writes:
   >   > Information Security <[email protected]>
   >   > > I'd be glad to handle it.
   >   > >
   >   > > The only criteria is to delete Dr. Dim and his nyms.
   >   >
   >   > How are you going to recognize Dimitri's nyms if he has any.
   >   Guy Polis thinks that anyone smarter than him (and that's 99.99% of the
   >   population) is my tentacle.  He thinks everything on this list except
   >   him and Timmy May is my tentacle, including you too, Adam.
   >   Guy Polis ([email protected], [email protected]) is a pedophile child
   >   molester who was fired from his consulting position at Salomon Brothers
   >   after he was caught masturbating in his cubicle at the child pornography
   >   JPEGs that he downloaded from the Internet.
   >   In retaliation, Guy Polis spammed the firewalls mailing list with megabytes
   >   of e-mail logs that he "intercepted" at Salomon Brothers, and accused
   >   several of his former co-workers and supervisors of various crimes.
   >   As far as I can determine, Guy Polis has been unemployed since the time
   >   he was fired from Salomon.  If anyone knows otherwise, please let me know.

All you'll get is resounding silence, especially since you're so clueless
as to get my name wrong: hint...not even 'guy' is correct.

What a loser!

You must love everyone seeing the old traffic analysis report on you:

    You'll have to go to URL 'www.dejanews.com/home_ps.shtml' to pick it up.
    Select "old database" and use this in their search box:
    ~g soc.culture.jewish & ~dc 1997/08/04 & ~s Brighton Beach

Perhaps it should be updated and delivered to everyone in your neighborhood
and the building you give classes in?

You're just a ButtHead who never grew up, still gets a kick
out of saying "cocksucker".

Your brother Michael had to do your math thesis for you!

   You couldn't even cut it in Manhatten.