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Re: What's the latest in factoring?

On Sat, 7 Feb 1998, Alan Tu wrote:

>anything more recent?  Also, whereas 1024 bits was the commonly accepted
>threshhold for key lengths more than two years ago, what's the threshhold
>now?  Because I have DOS (and like it) I use PGP 2.63ix, when should I
>retire my 1024-bit key?  I don't expect anybody to answer that I should
>do so immediately, but can someone give me an idea on what people are
>doing in regard to key length?
>Alan Tu

8192 bits is used now.  you can generate 8192 bit keys with PGP 2.6.3ui
(the unofficial international version).

check out "PGP Projects" at http://www.westfalen.de/hugo/pgp/
or "The Unofficial International PGP Home Page" at
for info and download.

[note:  you can of course generate MUCH larger keys, but i'm attempting to
be practical for a change]



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