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Financial Cryptography 1998 Workshop UPDATE

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Subject: Financial Cryptography 1998 Workshop UPDATE
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Date: Mon, 09 Feb 1998 10:20:13 -0800
From: Ian Goldberg <[email protected]>
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The Financial Cryptography 1998 (FC98)
Workshop for Senior Managers and IS Professionals

March 2-6, 1998

The InterIsland Hotel
Anguilla, BWI


FC98 is sponsored by:

   * RSA Data Security Inc. <http://www.rsa.com/>
   * C2NET, Inc. <http://www.c2.net/>
   * Hansa Bank & Trust Company Limited, Anguilla <http://www.hansa.net/>
   * Sicherheit und Privat- International Bank
   * Offshore Information Services <http://www.offshore.com.ai/>
   * e$ <http://www.shipwright.com/>

FC98 Conference and Exhibition
February 23-27, 1998

FC98 Workshop for Senior Managers and IS Professionals
March 2-6, 1998

The Inter-Island Hotel
Anguilla, BWI

Workshop and Conference Reservations: <http://fc98.ai/>

Last year, the Financial Cryptography '97 (FC97) Workshop was the world's
first intensive financial cryptography workshop for senior managers and IS
professionals. This year, the Financial Cryptography '98 (FC98) Workshop
will be held Monday through Friday, March 2-6, 1998, at the Inter-Island
Hotel on the Carribbean island of Anguilla.

This workshop will follow the peer-reviewed financial cryptography
conference and commercial exhibition, Financial Cryptography 1998 (FC98),
which will be held the preceding week, February 23-27, 1998.

The goals of the combined workshop, conference and exhibition are:

   * to give senior managers and IS professionals a solid understanding of
     the fundamentals of strong cryptgraphy as applied to financial
     operations on public networks,
   * to provide a peer-reviewed forum for important research in financial
     cryptography and the effects it will have on society, and,
   * to showcase the newest products in financial cryptography.

The Workshop

Ian Goldberg, the Workshop chair, has picked an outstanding team of
instructors in financial cryptography and internet financial system security
to teach the courses in this workshop. The Workshop will consist of 40 hours
of intensive instruction and lab time over 5 days. Students will have access
to Internet-connected workstations.

Who Should Attend

The Workshop is intended for senior IS managers and technical professionals
who want to get completely up to speed on the design, development, and
implementation of financial cryptography systems, the core technology of
internet commerce. After the workshop, senior managers will have a hands-on
understanding the strengths and liabilities of currently available financial
cryptography and internet transaction security software and hardware, and
thus be able to make better asset allocation decisions in this area of
explosive technology growth. Senior technical professionals with strong IS
experience will be able to implement those technologies and to pass on what
they've learned to their clients and colleagues when they return home.

The Workshop will be held in a casual but intensive atmosphere at the very
cutting edge of financial technology on the internet. Someone has likened
the experience to a financial cryptography bootcamp. At the end, Workshop
attendees should be utterly conversant in cryptography as it applies to
finance. Workshop participants will not only know what everyone else is
doing now in internet commerce, but, more important, because they understand
the implications of strong financial cryptography on ubiquitous public
networks, they will be able to know what to do *next*.

The Workshop Leader

Ian Goldberg is a Ph.D. student in security and cryptography at the
University of California, Berkeley. He was the first winner of RSA Data
Security Inc.'s Secret-Key Challenge, breaking a 40-bit cipher in just 3.5
hours. In late 1995, he discovered what became a much-publicized flaw in
Netscape's implementation of SSL. He is a recognized expert in electronic
payment systems, and in DigiCash's ecash digital bearer certificate protocol
in particular. He has produced several ecash clients for Unix and Windows,
as well as an ecash module for the Stronghold web server, which has extended
the existing ecash system for better security, privacy, and ease-of-use.

The Principal Instructors

Gary Howland has spent the last four years with several companies that are
primarily working with secure electronic commerce (including Digicash),
where he has been involved with the design and development of secure payment
protocols, and the application of these protocols to such tasks as
electronic cash, bond trading, loyalty systems, and online gambling. He is
also responsible for the development of the a freely available cryptographic
library for java and perl.

John Kelsey is an experienced cryptographer, cryptanalyst, and programmer
who has designed several algorithms and protocols. He pioneered research on
secure random number generators, differential related-key cryptanalysis on
block ciphers, and the chosen-protocol attack against cryptographic
protocols. His research has been presented at several international
conferences, and he has broken many proposed commercial cryptographic
algorithm, protocol, and system designs. Kelsey has a degree in Computer
Science and Economics from the University of Missouri Columbia.

Adam Shostack is Director of Technology for Netect, Inc, a Boston based
startup building state of the art server security management applications.
He has extensive background in designing, implementing and testing secure
systems for clients in the medical, computer, and financial industries. His
recent public work includes 'Apparent Weaknesses in the Security Dynamics
Client Server Protocol,' 'Source Code Review Guidelines,' and comparisons of
freely available cryptographic libraries.

Workshop Topics

   * Security on the Internet
        o Internet Protocols: IP, TCP, UDP
        o Higher-level Protocols: Telnet, FTP, HTTP, SSL
        o Solid Foundations for Cryptographic Systems
        o A History of Internet Attacks
        o Building Internet Firewalls
        o Building a Bastion Host
        o Turning your Bastion Host into a Web Server
        o Non-internet Internet Security
   * Cryptography
        o The Need for Cryptography
        o History of Cryptography
        o Classical Methods
        o Modern Methods
        o Private and Public Key Cryptography
        o Authentication vs. Security
        o Certification and Public Key Infrastructures
        o Cryptographic Protocols
        o Engineering a Cryptographically Secure System
        o Why Cryptography is Harder than it Looks
        o Security Through Obscurity and How to Recognize Snake Oil
   * Internet Payment Systems
        o Payment models: coin-based, cheque-based, account-based
        o Security Issues
        o Privacy and Anonymity Issues
        o Smartcards vs. Software
        o Existing Payment Schemes
             + credit cards
             + First Virtual
             + CyberCash
             + DigiCash
        o Forthcoming Payment Schemes
             + SET
             + Mondex
             + Millicent
             + micropayments
   * Setting Up an ecash-Enabled Web Server
        o Setting up the Web Server
        o Signing up for ecash
        o Installing the ecash Module
        o Setting Prices
        o Logging
        o Advanced Methods
             + ecashiers
             + moneychangers

The price of the workshop is $5,000 U.S. You can pay for your FC98 workshop
ticket with Visa or MasterCard, with ecash, or with any of a number of other
internet commerce payment protocols, at the regstriation site:
<http://fc98.ai/>. Please register and make your plane and hotel
reservations as soon as possible; workshop space is extremely limited.

The workshop price includes meals (but not lodging) at the InterIsland Hotel
and lab space, plus the delivery and installation of hardware, network
access, internet commerce software, all to a location like Anguilla. And, of
course, 40 hours of instruction and structured lab activity. We have priced
the workshop to be competitive with other comprehensive business and
professional technology workshops of similar total session length.

In addition, the first ten FC98 workshop participants will receive a 50%
reduction in their FC98 Conference and Exhibition fee, for a savings of $500
off the $1,000 conference admission.

You can register, and pay for, your workshop ticket at <http://fc98.ai/>.

Air Transportation and Hotels

Air travel to Anguilla is typically done through San Juan or St.
Maarten/Martin. There are several non-stop flights a day from various US and
European locations. Connection through to Anguilla can be made through
American Eagle, or through LIAT, or in the case of St. Maarten, with a short
ferry ride to Anguilla. See your travel agent for details.

Anguilla's runway is 3600 feet, with a displaced threshold of 600 feet, and
can accomodate business jets. Obviously, you should talk to your aviation
staff for details about your own aircraft's capabilities in this regard.

Anguilla import duties are not imposed on hardware or software which will
leave the island again, so, as long as you take it with you when you leave,
you won't pay import duties.

Please Note: Your FC98 Workshop fee only covers meals at the InterIsland
Hotel. The InterIsland is actually a small guesthouse attached to a large
conference facility, and so rooms there are in short supply. Fortunately,
there are lots of small hotels and guesthouses nearby. For more information
on these hotels, please see <http://fc98.ai/> for more information.

Other hotels on Anguilla range from spartan to luxurious, all within easy
walking or driving distance of the Workshop at the InterIsland. More
information about Anguillan hotels can be obtained from your travel agent,
or at <http://fc98.ai/>.

Registration and Information for Other FC98 Events

To register and pay for your ticket to the FC98 conference itself, see:

For information the selection of papers for the FC98 conference see:

If you're interested in Exhibition space, please contact Blanc Weber:
<[email protected]>

If you're interested in sponsoring FC98, also contact Blanc Weber:
<[email protected]>

Financial Cryptography '98 is held in cooperation with the International
Association for Cryptologic Research. The conference proceedings will be
published by Springer Verlag in their Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(LNCS) series.

The FC98 Organizing Committee:

   * Vince Cate and Bob Hettinga, General Chairs
   * Ray Hirschfeld, Conference Chair
   * Matt Franklin, Conference Co-Chair
   * Ian Goldberg, Workshop Chair
   * Blanc Weber, Exhibit and Sponsorship Manager

And our sponsors...

   * RSA Data Security Inc. <http://www.rsa.com/>
   * C2NET, Inc. <http://www.c2.net/>
   * Hansa Bank & Trust Company Limited, Anguilla <http://www.hansa.net/>
   * Sicherheit und Privat- International Bank
   * Offshore Information Services <http://www.offshore.com.ai/>
   * e$ <http://www.shipwright.com/>

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Robert Hettinga ([email protected]), Philodox
e$, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'
The e$ Home Page: http://www.shipwright.com/
Ask me about FC98 in Anguilla!: <http://www.fc98.ai/>