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Quantum transistor breakthrough? [slashdot.org]

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>    Quantum Transitors Trumpeted! Contributed by mojoski on Wed Feb 18
>    20:08:01 1998 EST
>    [Technology] From the bragging-on-my-bro Dept
>    In what can only be described as a huge advance in quantum transitior
>    technolgy, The San Jose Mercury News is reporting that researchers at
>    Sandia National Laboratories have demonstrated a method of making
>    these devices stable enough for potential use in computing
>    applications.
>    The Sandia quantum transistor is not the first to use a quantum
>    mechanical effect called ``tunneling'' to compute. Experimental
>    quantum tunneling devices were first made nearly a decade ago.
>    But Sandia's is the first to be made using common manufacturing
>    techniques that would allow many of the devices to be strung together
>    to compute en masse, said physicist Jerry Simmons, leader of the
>    Sandia development team.
>    And you know what the coolest part of this story is? Jerry Simmons is
>    my brother! Go man, go! I can only hope that he'll remember the little
>    people in his life when he sells this technology to chipmakers
>    world-wide! *wink*
>    Add a Comment?

>    Sco Emulates Win95 Contributed by CmdrTaco
>    Wed Feb 18 12:06:03 1998 EST
>    From the emulate-the-enemy dept.
>    joe wrote in to tell us that SCO now has a Win5 emulator available.
>    Read about it here. Between Wine, Wabi, OS/2 and others emulating 95,
>    it's getting closer and closer to a point where you can try a new OS
>    without giving up your old software. This is important stuff people.
>    27 comment(s)

>    New DES Clients Contributed by CmdrTaco
>    [Encryption] Wed Feb 18 12:02:38 1998 EST
>    From the bits-and-bytes dept.
>    phi1abole wrote in to let us know that a new batch of Des Clients are
>    available for download. This gives me a good chance to once again plug
>    Slashdot's DES2 Team. We're ranked #8 overall. With over 2/3rds of the
>    keyspace searched, this contest is almost toast.
>    5 comment(s)

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