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Re: I was auto-outed by an IMG tag in HTML spam

William H. Geiger III wrote:
>This could be a good sting opperation. Send an anonymous e-mail
>message that points to a childporn site. The [add your jackbooted
>thug orginization here] kick in your door as soon as they get the
>signal that your machine has connected to the site and downloaded
>the images.
>Hmmmm I wonder if there is a way to get the browser to DL an image
>without displaying it. The pictures would be sitting in your cache
>without even knowing it. Probably not a big issue I would imagine
>that a jury would convict on website logs alone even if no pictures
>were found on the machine.

<img src="http://sting.tla.gov/randpix.cgi" width=1 height=1>
would get shmeebs using netscab or microslop...