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RE: Anthrax--The Horsemen are Riding

Relax ... Tim is not condoning this guy's behavior.

The real issue is why NOW?  It's just a bit coincidental, don't you
think, that someone so blatantly advertises his intimate relationships
with biological weapons for years is just now suddenly being arrested?
In politics, timing is everything.

I am not the least bit sorry for this guy if he really possessed
anything, but I'm just a bit skeptical that this is just another routine
domestic terrorism arrest.


	-----Original Message-----
	From:	Anonymous [SMTP:[email protected]]
	Sent:	Thursday, February 19, 1998 1:35 PM
	To:	[email protected]
	Subject:	Re: Anthrax--The Horsemen are Riding

	Yet another wrong call by Tim "Chicken Little" May:

	>CNN is reporting a news flash, with few details, about two men
	>arrested in Las Vegas for making or possessing or planning to
	>anthrax. Details should be emerging, but I have a hunch it's a
	>hunt, an invocation of the Four Horsement, to drum up support
	>Clinton's Dirty Little War.

	Nonsense.  This has nothing to do with Saddam.  These men are
from the
	Aryan Nation, a militia group (and one which Tim secretly
supports, being
	a strong believer in Aryan superiority).  No wonder he is upset,
	his favorite racists are shown to be just another bunch of
	willing to kill innocents to promote their hate-filled cause.

	>"Find us some jimbells we can show to the American public as
proof that
	>an undeclared, unsupported war with Iraq is justified."

	How incoherent can you get?  How on earth can terrorism by the
	be related to the war in Iraq?  Jeez, what an idiot.

	>Wanna bet they also bring crypto in this media circus?

	This would be funny if it weren't so sad.  And you guys really
	someone who would write this nonsense?

	It's a sad story when the one who is supposed to be the brains
of the
	group is this stupid.