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$25.00 for every FREE membership signup

This email is intended for Adult Webmasters only!  If you are not an Adult Webmaster 
and want to be removed from this and any responsible bulk emailers list.

Please visit Removelist.com's site for removal instructions at:

MR CASH will now guarantee $25.00 for every FREE membership signup!!! 

We have changed the program to pay you either the regular Mr Cash rate
(Up to $5.00 per raw hit) or  $25.00 per sale WHICH EVER IS HIGHER 
(By far the highest per sale rate in the industry) 

Your traffic is valuable.  Get paid for it every time.

The 100's of Webmasters that are already on the Mr Cash program are
Automatically switched to the new program retroactive to Jan.16 1998.

If you are not already on the Mr Cash program then here are some more
Reasons to sign up.

We Now 3 Great sites for you to advertise.  Advertise one or advertise
Them all.

You are able to offer the surfer a Free one-week trail membership
To 3 Great sites. Your conversion ratio will go through the roof.

Sponsors are paid BI-weekly, so they're no long waiting period to receive
your check.

We use the most dependable software available on the net today.

For more information or to sign up automatically

Signup for Pussy Paradise at-  http://mr-cash.com        

Signup for Ultimate Hardcore at - http://mr-cash.com/ultimate   

Signup for Erotic Paradise at  - http://mr-erotic--paradise.com/topcash 