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Advertisement: Website Hosting

[email protected]

InExchange would like to introduce our complete Hosting and Promotional service.

     FOR ONLY $19.95 PER MONTH !

* 20 MB (megabytes) of disk space
* 750 MB  of data transfer per month
* 5 E-mail accounts
* Access to your account anytime via the Web Control Panel
* Full MS Front Page support
* Unlimited FTP updates
* Personal CGI directory for your own scripts (or use ours)
* The best statistics analyzer in the industry
* E-mail forwarding, auto responders and vacation reply
* Domain name registration (www.yourname.com)
* FREE registration of your domain with over 250 search   engines
* Real Audio/Video support

* Inquire about our $16.95 plan

* Other plans also include:
  Shopping cart application and database access/utilities
  Cold Fusion Hosting
  CyberCash, iBill and VersaNet ready
  Instant on-line credit card processing

For additional details, please refer to our website:
[email protected]

Inexchange offers you a full 30 day money back guarantee if not satisfied with our services.