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DDJ Crypto CD has arrived!
Well, it's finally here.
Frankly, I'm a little disapointed with the presentation. It's based
around a program called Hyper Reader, from Intergaid. This seems a bit
out of date - the copyright runs from 1987-1994. While this may have
been driven by a desire to support Win 3.1 without extra software, an
HTML based approach would have been my preference.
I've encountered a few minor bugs in the few minutes I've played with
it; not all of the buttons work properly, and the color maps go to hell
when the program's window is not selected.
While the book data is stored in some proprietary format with an *.hw4
extension, chapters can be easily exported to flat text files. They
can also be exported in WP format, but diagrams don't seem to come
out (at least when I export them to MS Word) - figures seem to
be scanned bitmaps from the books.
Here's the copyright data, which lists the books present:
>Applied Cryptography, Cryptographic Protocols, and Computer Security >Models by Richard Demillo. Copyright 1983, American Mathematical >Society. All rights reserved.
>Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C, >Second Edition, by Bruce Schneier. Copyright 1995, John Wiley & Sons, >Inc. All rights reserved.
>Contemporary Cryptology: The Science of Information Integrity, edited >by Gustavus J. Simmons, Copyright 1992, IEEE. All rights reserved. No >part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by >any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording >or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission >in writing from the IEEE.
>Cryptography and Data Security by Dorothy Denning. Copyright 1982, >Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved. No part of >this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, >electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any >information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing >from Addison-Wesley Longman, Inc. Use of this licensed CD-ROM version >is subject to the terms of the individual, noncommercial license >granted the purchaser of this CD-ROM version.
>Cryptography: A New Dimension in Computer Data Security, by Carl Meyer. >Copyright 1982, John Wiley &Sons. All rights reserved.
>Cryptography: Theory and Practice, by Douglas Stinson., Copyright 1995, >CRC Press. All rights reserved.
>Handbook of Applied Cryptography, by Paul C. Van Oorschot, Scott A. >Vanstone, and Alfred Menezes. Copyright 1996, CRC Press. All rights >reserved.
>Military Cryptanalysis, Volume I, by William Friedman, Aegean Park >Press. All rights reserved
> Military Cryptanalysis, Volumes II, by William Friedman, Aegean Park >Press. All rights reserved.
>Military Cryptanalysis, Volumes III, by William Friedman, Aegean Park >Press. All rights reserved.
>Military Cryptanalysis, Volumes IV, by William Friedman, Aegean Park >Press. All rights reserved.
>"RSA Laboratories FAQ on Cryptography," "RSA Laboratories Technical >Reports," "RSA Laboratories Security Bulletins," and "CrytoBytes >Newsletter" Copyright 1997 RSA Data Security, Inc. All rights >reserved.
For those wondering: Applied Cryptography includes the source code
appendix. I have not checked if it has the 5th printing corrections.
Peter Trei
[email protected]