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Anonymous wrote:
>     Do any of you cocksuckers know where the following comes from?  URL?
> A shit-eating grin spread across Dr. Vulis' face as he realized that, this
> time, he had been caught for doing something he wouldn't be punished for.
> Rewarded, perhaps?
> Cautiously, Dr. Vulis asked Igor, "So can I have more medication? All of the
> others in treatment here are getting better drugs than me, because they are
> patients being treated by doctors. Why am I the only doctor being treated by
> a patient?"
> "Now Dimitri," Igor shook his head, negatively, "you are exaggerating again.
> You know that John Young and Robert Hettinga are the only two here who are
> getting better drugs than you, and it is only occasionally, when they share
> a room, and then only in order to increase their pleasure when they engage
> in�uuhhh�CypherPunk activities."
> Dimitri got angry, as Igor knew would result from feeding his fantasies, "I
> know what you're talking about!" Dimitri always got�uuhhh�'excited', when
> this subject came up.
> "They're sucking each other's cocks! This place is full of cocksuckers, and
> the biggest one of all is cocksucker John <spit> Gilmore <fart>!"

	- Igor.