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Sympatico Reaches Compromise With Censored Author

reached a compromise with a notoriously unknown Saskatchwan author
whose website had been destroyed after the ISP was threatened with
legal and physical violence by Royal Canuckian Mounted Police.

Sympatico agreed to restore 'half' of the author's 'Semi-Revisionism'
webpage, which espouses the view that the Holocaust, although a true
3D event, was neither fact nor fiction, but merely "overblown."
The half-restored webpage originally had a variety of links to sites
on the InterNet which provided information confirming the author's
theory that a variety of ethnic groups were the targets of genocide
during World War II, and that the real reason behind most of the
Revisionist literature on the InterNet was the result of the Jews
milking their tragedy for more sympathy (and money) than the other 
ethnic groups.

"If the same events took place in today's society," the author
speculates, "then the resulting media frenzy would ensure that all
parties involved would receive a proportionate share of the gigantic
rubber-necker/tragedy market.
"As it is, it happened that the Jews managed to corner the small
genocide-sympathy market that existed at the time, and succeeded in
building a Holocaust Empire that was able to squash all competition
from the survivors of other ethnic massacres."

The Anti-SemiRevisionist Coalition, fighting against the current DOJ
anti-trust actions targeting the Jewish monopoly of the genocide 
market, agreed to make Holocaust promoter Simon Wisenthal and
Zundelsite's revisionist creator, Ingrid Rimland, joint chairmen of
the Coalition. They joined together in arguing that breaking up
the Jewish Holocaust monopoly would destroy the genocide market and
eventually lead to minor ethnic groups who had only experienced
"inconvenience and discomfort" to saturate the market with inferior
horror stories.

"Already, we are seeing examples of people with short numbers tatooed
on their arms, pressing for equal rights legislation." one alleged
Holocaust victim told gathered reporterwhores.
However, when a German reportwhore pointed out that the man had a
Scandanavian nose and name, the man's tattoo, upon closer inspection,
turned out to be three lines of Perl code.
The man was immediately seized by the the host of the Politically
Correct TV show and deported to a Death of the CypherPunks camp
run by Declan McCullagh outside of Bienfait, Saskatchwan.