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Re: Holy QPRNF...
> http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/980504/ca_live_pi_1.html
> Summary: Digimarc and Live Picture, Inc., team up to offer watermarking
> services.
> || ``Until very recently, the creative community was extremely skeptical of
> || licensing and marketing their work over the Web, which they viewed as an
> || absolute free-for-all,'' said Doug Dawirs, director of online services at
> || The Workbook. ``Now these same people and companies are jumping in with
> || both feet.''
> I hope no content creators mistakenly think that this is electronic
> content protection (possibly, one can say an aid to detect _unintentional_
> illicit use, but not intentional theft), or else there will be a
> free-for-all of a legal kind a little further down the road.
I work for a company who displays much of their work on the
Web, and we are often sited by Digimarc as a "customer".
We (AFAICT) stoped bothering with their product (probably an older
version) simply because it didn't work.
I can take any image where the watermark IS NOT visible, and
make it so that your scanning software doesn't work, yet most people wouldn't
notice a bloody thing.