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ANNOUNCE Bay Area Cypherpunks Meeting - May 9, 12-6pm

The May Bay Area Cypherpunks Meeting will be Saturday at
Temenos, 459 Fulton St. Suite 307, San Francisco.

Some planned agenda items include
- GSM crack hardware demo - Lucky Green
- GSM cryptanalysis details - Ian Goldberg
- Anon mailbox servers - Lucky Green
- OpenPGP status
- hacks in progress

The meeting will be at the usual time - mill around at 12,
organized part starts at 1, dinner nearby later.

459 Fulton is a few blocks west of Van Ness, 
probably closest to the Civic Center BART stop.

Bill Stewart, [email protected]
PGP Fingerprint D454 E202 CBC8 40BF  3C85 B884 0ABE 4639