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Llama al exterior a mitad de precio

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LLamadas al exterior hasta 80% m�s baratas y gratis a los 0800
This FREE software as opposed to the other products, allows the user to call a normal telephone anywhere in the world realizing fantastic savings.
You call toll free numbers in the United States or Canada from anywhere in the world, free.

This software is the newest technological breakthrough in telecommunications that makes possible long distance calls from your computer to any telephone in the world. We are the representatives of a software that is worldwide leader and uses the most advanced Internet telephony system available today by a long shot.

Most communications applications over the Internet, allow voice and even video transmittal, require that both the originator and the recipient of the call have fast, multimedia-ready computers, connected to the Internet at the same time and running the same communications software. Products like Net Meeting and Internet Phone are very sophisticated, but are not telephony applications.

You can call anywhere in the world by means of a multimedia computer and a Dial-up Internet service. The call is initiated from your computer after you connect to your Internet Service Provider (ISP) and is then transmitted through the web into a telephony central switch in the US. The switch instantly and automatically completes the call via the US public telephony network and through it reaches its final destination. The result is a real-time call, uninterrupted and full-duplex.

What are the benefits?

It reduces the cost of long distance calls by as much as 95% or even 100% when dialing into a toll-free (1-800 or 1-888) number in the US and Canada. For more information please refer to our home page at:

http://members.tripod.com/~rksistemas   and  


Rates are completely independent from the country of origin of the call. In fact, all calls originate in reality from the US, signifying that World Wide users will actually call the world using US rates, currently the most competitive in the world.

Any telephone in the world may be called via a computer and a modem. This renders PC to PC technologies useless since they require both users to be connected to the Internet, have multimedia computers, the same software running and meet in the same place at the same time.

Visit us and download free the software at:

http://members.tripod.com/~rksistemas   and  


or send your mail for questions to   [email protected]


LLamadas al exterior hasta 80% m�s baratas y gratis a los 0800

�Como funciona ?���  usalo y ahorr� �

El destinatario no tiene que estar usando su PC sino que llam�s directo a su tel�fono. Cualquier usuario de Internet, con una computadora multimedia, puede iniciar llamadas desde su PC a cualquier tel�fono del mundo pero con tarifas que son incre�bles. � 
Esto no es la charla por voz en Internet. No hay que ponerse de acuerdo ni nada,� disc�s con la PC y listo, as� de f�cil suena el tel�fono de quien est�s llamando.
Baj�te el software gratuitamente,  prob�lo y ya que est�s consult� todos los servicios que ofrecemos

http://members.tripod.com/~rksistemas   y de


Podes tener  "privacidad en tus llamadas",� porque a donde sea que llames, en nuestro pa�s s�lo queda registrada la llamada local a tu proveedor de Internet, y la llamada se origina desde EE.UU. a la tarifa m�s competitiva del mercado.

La tecnolog�a de este software incorpora los m�s recientes avances t�cnicos en materia de comunicaciones. Para realizar una comunicaci�n a cualquier lugar del mundo, te conect�s a tu proveedor de Internet y mediante el software (que lo podes bajar gratuitamente�de nuestra Web) te conect�s a un servidor en Nueva Jersey y este, de manera autom�tica e instant�nea entrega la llamada a la red p�blica de tel�fonos de los Estados Unidos. 

El destinatario no necesita tener una conexi�n a un proveedor de Internet

Para vos es tan simple que disc�s en la pantalla usando el software y se llega al destino final, el tel�fono marcado. 

El resultado es una llamada en tiempo real, full-d�plex (doble v�a: hablo y escucho a la vez) entre dos personas. 

Debido a que la se�al es enviada por el Internet en el primer tramo del trayecto, hasta llegar a la central, las tarifas se vuelven�independientes del pa�s de origen.�  

Consult� los productos y servicios que ofrecemos y bajate el soft gratuitamente y probalo desde

http://members.tripod.com/~rksistemas   y de


Por consultas:  e-mail:  [email protected]
