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NYT Hits GAK, Boosts GAKS
The New York Times, July 6, 1998, p. A10.
Privacy in the Digital Age
As more and more Americans communicate and do business
electronically, the fear is spreading that information they
transmit can be seized by hackers or criminals and used for
illegal or unsavory purposes. Fortunately, the technology
to thwart such invasions already exists. It is called
encryption, or the encoding of digital information to
secure its privacy. But the Federal Bureau of Investigation
is trying hard to prevent the growing use of encryption,
both in the United States and abroad, because of fears that
the protective technology itself will get into the wrong
hands. That shortsighted stand will undermine efforts to
protect commercial transactions and may actually hamper law
enforcement rather than help it.
The Clinton Administration's current policies toward
encryption have been largely dictated by the F.B.I. and the
Justice Department. These two agencies now block encryption
makers from exporting their most advanced technology unless
they agree to develop a method allowing law enforcement
agencies to gain access to it. The method favored by the
F.B.I. is known as the key escrow, in which the key to
cracking a code is kept with a third party that could hand
it over quickly if law enforcement agencies demanded it.
But the key escrow method poses tremendous threats to
privacy. There is a danger that access to keys for the code
could be abused by law enforcement agencies and others.
Worse, the United States would be required to share key
escrow information with law enforcement agencies of other
countries, and giving access to private communications to
countries with poor human rights records could lead to
crackdowns on dissidents using encryption for their own
According to industry officials, the export controls are
already backfiring. More and more foreign companies are
supplying encryption technologies without key escrow
arrangements, making it virtually impossible for the F.B.I.
to eavesdrop and stealing business from American firms. The
growing foreign role diminishes the ability of the F.B.I.
to demand new safeguards or ways to penetrate the
communications of criminals who use encryption.
President Clinton might normally be more sympathetic to
concerns over maintaining privacy in the digital world. But
since Attorney General Janet Reno has protected Mr. Clinton
from an independent counsel on campaign finance, the White
House is said to be loath to oppose either her or Louis
Freeh, the F.B.I. Director, on this issue.
On Capitol Hill, the debate over encryption has created
some unusual political alliances. Many conservative
Republicans have stood with leaders of the high-tech
industry to oppose any kind of ban on encryption within the
United States and to support a loosening of export controls
on encryption technology. It has been odd to see Trent
Lott, the Senate majority leader, and Dick Armey, the House
majority leader, stand with civil libertarians against the
demands of the F.B.I. But the F.B.I. is not without
influence. House Speaker Newt Gingrich, more friendly to
the agency, has prevented a bill encouraging greater use of
encryption from coming to a vote in the House.
The concerns of law enforcement agencies are legitimate.
But smart criminals are already using encryption, some of
which is readily available on the Internet. That was the
message conveyed only a few weeks ago by such unlikely
allies as Bill Gates of Microsoft and Jim Barksdale of
Netscape, who are on opposite sides in the Justice
Department's antitrust lawsuit against Microsoft but agree
on this issue.
The F.B.I. should give up its losing fight against
encryption and work with industry to develop new means to
catch criminals who use it. One approach under discussion
would be to develop software technology that could be
surreptitiously placed in a suspect's computer to capture
keystrokes before they are encrypted. Any such operation
would have to be carried out under strict court control as
the electronic equivalent of a search warrant. But law
enforcement agencies have to find a legal and ethical way
to stay ahead of technology, rather than stand in the way
of it. Trying to block advances in the digital age is