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Re: `Vulis terminator' full of crap (Re: net.cop revs up again)

John Young wrote:

> Still, shifting back to media, the five of us in Manhattan --
> Perry, Dimitri, Guy, Duncan (Ray's in Brooklyn -- hundreds
> more don't openly affinity) hate each other's guts with infinite

Not quite.  I've never lived in Brooklyn.  Try again. :)

> Nothing I've seen proves cypherpunks exists: I've seen Ray
> twice and he wasn't the same. I've seen Duncan twice and
> he wasn't the same. Neither recognized me either. We've
> all introduced ourselves to Jim Kallstrom as one another,
> and did the same to several of Kallstrom's stand-ins.

I've seen John Young twice and he was the same.  And IMHO, I've
been the same person as far as I know. :)  IMHO, JYA has seen me
and can recognize me, so I'd say either he's been smoking/drinking
something (or forgot to do so) when posting this, or it's Mr. oToT,
or Dr. V pretending to be JYA.  So yeah, the post I'm replying to
isn't much like JYA.
> Mark this: "Perry Metzger" for certain is non-existent, it's only
> a mail drop, a chalk mark, a can by the road, a highly paid
> fictional security scam: Pay or plonk. Cooped cops and
> holed-up criminals do, up the kazoo.

Total Bullshit.  I've seen Perry more than thrice, once at a speech
he gave for the Libertarian Party where Duncan also was, and also
at PC Expo a few years ago, and at a few NYC Cpunx meets.  Perry 
does exist.
> I say for a fact the crypto/cypherpunk/cops/spooks game's
> one bird doing a solo dance. Who that bird is, works for,
> remains to be reported reliably: an impossibility by definition.

Nobody gives a rats ass who the TLA spook 'bot, tentacle, or other
happens to be.  We all know and expect that this list is monitored
heavily by many TLA's including the NSA, FBI, and IRS.  There were
several IRS subscribtions to my filtered list a while back.  I guess
they couldn't deal with all the flaming and decided to get info on
the tax evaders without the flames...  I suppose either the NSA and
FBI know enough to have bought AOL or netcom accounts, or read the
list unfiletered.

IMHO, this is a well known fact, and I welcome them on this list.
Let'em sniff all they want, there's very little here that goes on
that isn't considered public knowledge anyway.  Heck, who knows after
reading much of Tim's posts, maybe their points of view will be
swayed and maybe they'll figgure it out for themselves.  Whatever.

> Dimitri was not terminated, can't be, he never was, like the rest
> of us highly classified phantasms. Adam Back got the story
> right, he's exchanging messages with a bot mirroring his inner
> evil, call that Tim, call it Dimitri, he'll call back as the One True
> Terminator you don't want to meet, ever, but will.

IMHO, I've never met Vulis, so I can't say for sure.  It would interesting
if Tim/Dimitry were the same, but I doubt it.  For that to happen, Tim
would need to know a lot about NYC and be here a lot.  Although it would
be possible for Tim (as you propose) to do "Dimitry", from my experiences
of Dimitry, that's highly unlikely.  Dimitry did quite a bit of social
engineering of Earthweb to get info on me.  He also tried several 
attempts at calling me at home and getting info.  There was also an
NYC meeting where someone very suspicious (i.e. almost demented) 
showed up on his behalf, and mentioned lots of stuff about Xenix and

So IMHO, "Vulis" had to be in NYC.  A while back a few folks said they
met him in person.  I'll let them comment on his description.

I will also add that I heavily complained to dm.com's upstream provider
and didn't get too far. It's possible that by the time Guy had complined,
that there were so many complaints against Vulis that psynet decided
to yank the coor.  Or, could be that Guy=Vulis. :)  Whatever.  Either
way I don't give a rats ass.

I've never met Tim, but have spoken with him since the early days of
the Cypherpunks list, back when Vulis didn't exist.  While I'm not
saying that Tim isn't a 'nym, I am saying that he's got far more
reputation capital than Vulis, or Guy.  Based on this, I do not believe
that Tim=Vulis.  Again, that's my belief, and have no evidence for or


.+.^.+.|  Ray Arachelian    |Prying open my 3rd eye.  So good to see |./|\.
..\|/..|[email protected]|you once again. I thought you were      |/\|/\
<--*-->| ------------------ |hiding, and you thought that I had run  |\/|\/
../|\..| "A toast to Odin,  |away chasing the tail of dogma. I opened|.\|/.
.+.v.+.|God of screwdrivers"|my eye and there we were....            |.....
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