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Re: where...


In <19980721071954.AAA9474@pc-230>, on 07/21/98 
   at 04:25 PM, "Jia Yan" <[email protected]> said:

>	Does anybody can tell me in which ftp site i can find the specifications
> about the CCITT's X.400 and X.500 protocol sets?
>	Thanx!

Well this one was a real bitch to find.

The CCITT is now the ITU: http://www.itu.ch

The Specs are at: http://www.itu.ch/publications/itu-t/itut.htm

The X.400 specs are actually located under F.400 as this spec has been
givien a dual designation of F.400/X.400

Seems that you have to *pay* for a copy of this spec, 39 Swiss Francs,
whatever that is in real money.

X.500 is the same deal but it is only 20 Swiss Francs.

The specs seem to be in postscript, adobe, and word formats. Engilsh,
French, and Spanish versions available.

They are set-up for online ordering and downloading. After you pay you are
given a username and password to download the file(s).

I think if you hunt around the site you may be able to pick up a copy of
all the specs on a CD but no idea what it costs.

Hopw this helps,

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William H. Geiger III  http://users.invweb.net/~whgiii
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Author of E-Secure - PGP Front End for MR/2 Ice
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