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Re: MItSchill Millhouse Holler'in

Someone having looked over the shoulder of one Linda Reed--PCC West Campus 
CSC, getting her password, and then using her mail account, drooled with 
paralytic tongue as follos:

>   ReVisionIst, to me, indicates someone who takes another look
> at what was previously seen with the aid of colour-glossy photos
> and pie-charts provided by the people who threatened to imprison
> your parents if they failed to send you to government-sponsered
> IndoctrinationCamps justified under the ruse of FreeEducation,
> which sometimes seem mostly geared for reinforcing in our minds
> how lucky we are to live in a country where the government is
> kind enough to provide us with FreeIncomeTaxReturnForms.

What color are your glossy glasses, by the way?

In addition to "FreeIncomeTaxReturnForms", they also let me urinate in the 
national forests too.

>   As far as Roosevelt, or anyone else, being "the greatest
> President" of any era, it would be more accurate to describe
> their being the GreatestBullShitter of the era, or of having
> the GreatestAdvertising/SpinDoctor/PoliticalThugs of the era.

Doesn't that count for something?  Be all you can be, right?  Excellence 
in being immoral is certainly better than being mediocre at being immoral.

>   It is a matter of speculation to what extent Roosevelt's 
> actions were responsible for the recovery of the American
> economy after the collapse of the banking sector, but it is 
> a matter of *fact*, supported by the testimony of even those
> who were part of FDR's political entourage, that Roosevelt
> took steps to ensure the *complete* collapse of America's
> financial institutions while Hoover was still President,
> in order to put himself in a position to extort as much
> money and power as possible out of Congress. 

Is this sort of like Reagan arranging with the Iranians that the Tehran 52 
could come home for Christmas, but not before?

And while having mentioned the cheese head, could you possibly do a piece 
on Reagan, by the way?  Now *that* is something I could enjoy reading.  
And really let loose with the prose, if you please:  the more insane, the 
more tangential, the better.

>   Perhaps the massive suffering and financial losses that
> he caused in his power-grab might be justified as being
> 'for the greater good,' except that, had he used his position
> as President-elect to help restore confidence in the economy,
> instead of destroying it, America would not have required
> nearly as much 'saving' as it subsequently needed.

Well, the implementation never really does live up to the grand design 
now, does it?  Ask any computer programmer here on this list.

>   It is a shame that I had not been born in an age when I
> could have run for President against Roosevelt, and won.

It is a shame that we'll all just have to endure.

>   Had I done so, then I, like FDR, would have granted 
> myself a license to print money, and I also would have
> spent three times as much of the taxpayer's money as the
> previous 31 Presidents, combined, but *I* would have spent
> it all on beer and scotch, thus resurrecting the American
> economy without creating a HugeGovernmentMonster filled
> with political patronage appointees and employees who I
> had bought and owned with imaginary money that taxpayers
> would be responsible for repaying.

Maybe you're not so crazy after all.  You know, it's not too late to enter 
the race for 2000.  It's a good year to start on, and because of your 
intimate connections with people who are information technology-aware, you 
could make some programmers fabulously wealthy by scamming people on the 
Y2K problem.

>   Also, being drunk all of the time, there would have been
> little chance of me turning America into a PlannedSociety
> via a New Deal in which all of the cards being dealt were 
> Red.

US Grant was also a lush.  How prosperous were those times when he could 
pick himself off the floor?

> ICould'aBeenAContend'aMonger
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I really am enjoying this.  I had apparently a great deal of spare time in 
the dog days of summer to humor the paranoids of the list although I was 
rather dreading the consequences.


1. You can never come to a compromise or even win:  it requires that the 
two sides be possessed of reason, and you have only half of what you need.

2. There is a risk that you just might start believing what that 
individual believes, especially when you start conceding small points that 
appear to be the truth.  (Don't be fooled.)

3. It reduces you to a less dignified state before your peers.  And 
appearance is everything.  Remember:  Style, not substance.  Form, not 

Mitch Halloran
Research (Bio)chemist
Duzen Laboratories Group
Ankara   TURKEY
[email protected]

While in substance it is generally all the same, it still amazes
the observer that one will find that smelling one's own is somehow less
disgusting than smelling someone else's.   --Anonymous