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Re: Comments on this Pentagon opinion...not a new debate

Jim Burnes wrote:

> Just remember that, in any conceivable interpretation of the
> constitution, the federal government has *already* vastly overstepped
> their allocated powers.  Why are you so suprised that they would try
> to eliminate the few remaining liberties the sheeple have?


> These ten are more than enough.  Jeffeson himself said, paraphrased,
> that when the state starts violating these basic liberties, then
> its time to call out the militia, start putting up tents and making
> war plans.

I take a view of liberty as I believe it exists under natural law.  Some
people view the constitution and bill of rights as the alpha and omega
of liberty on earth.  I am not one of them.

> If Jefferson were alive today he would be arrested for conspiracy
> if he simply thought out loud.

Most likey you're right.  In fact, most of the "founders" would be as
well, especially Patrick Henry! ;-)

Richard Storey