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tape into the mail this afternoon
- To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
- Subject: tape into the mail this afternoon
- From: bill payne <[email protected]>
- Date: Fri, 21 Aug 1998 11:56:59 -0600
- CC: ted lewis <[email protected]>, [email protected], masanori fushimi <[email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], john gilmore <[email protected]>, j orlin grabbe <[email protected]>, [email protected], grassley <[email protected]>, cynthia mckinney <[email protected]>, art morales <[email protected]>
- Sender: [email protected]
Friday 8/21/98 10:09 AM
Laszlo Baranyi http://www.qainfo.se/~lb/crypto_ag.htm
Got your letter, postcard, and business card this morning! THANKS!
Looks like you got.
Tuesday 7/7/98 6:57 PM
Laszlo Baranyi
You DID NOT mention the Swiss radio international radio
Send me a snail mail address and I will send you a copy.
Using postcard, of course
pob 14838
abq, nm 87191
Gustavus J Simmons
Cryptanalysis and Protocol Failures
COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM, November 1994, vol 37, no 11, page
The 'spiking' story, in obscure language.
Simmons and R J Hanson
were two of the most responsible people for me coming to Sandia from
Washington State U.
Here are two of my former Ph.D. students in computer science from
NSA employee PAUL BRIDGE in about 1987 told me that Simmons was a
security risk and that I should not talk to Simmons.
In about 1992 I figured out something was fishy and began to talk to
Simmons again.
Simmons told me that he asked NSA employees Morris and Proto
1 NSA is sorry it delegated responsibility for implementation
of electronic locks in the us nuclear arsenal to Sandia.
2 NSA wants the business back.
Simmons told me neither Morris or Proto would respond to his
Let's ALL http://www.wpiran.org/ hope for settlement of this
I stopped a Target department store and bought 7 Maxell URL 90 tapes.
As I am writing this note to you, I am both listening to the master copy
Hans Buehler sent me
on January 5, 1995.
I will make a copy of the envelope I received the tape in.
You wrote
Laszlo Baranyi
98-08-13 10:15
To: MIME:[email protected] @ INTERNET
Subject: Re: going nowhere
Best Mr. Bill Payne
Yes, I am interresting of receiving the tape.
I have toddy putted a printout of this email into an
envelope with our company logo, and my bissnescard
and sent it to your adress below.
I must admit that I do not understand the purpose
of want a postcard from me, but I guess that you have your
reasons, and I have no problems to follow your instructions.
So, the papermail is today sent to you. If you prefer, I could also
sent you a PGP-signed request for the broadcast. Just let me know.
It guess that it is the single missing reference that remains in order
the whole story of Crypto AG documented.
My intentions with the tape is to
1) make it publicy awalible on Internet, as sound, transcript in
I will search for some fluid in German) and a translation to engish.
2) I will contact Swiss Radio, in order to get as much as possible
verified about
the tapes authentication. I would also streangthens the tapes
authentication if I
have your permission to mentioned that I received it from you. Is
that OK?
>Again, if you don't have
>broadcasts about the Buehler case that were on Swiss Radio
> International on May 15, 1994 and July 18, 1994.
> send me a postcard at pob 14838, abq, nm 87191, usa.
> I will make a copy and send.
With best regards Laszlo baranyi
Let me respond
I must admit that I do not understand the purpose
of want a postcard from me, but I guess that you have your
I have not been reading e-mail since about 1 April 1997 when Patty and I
went to Zurich.
PRIMARY REASON is that the US government is a MASTER at messing with
Here is a reference
... rise of acid fascism in America, including material
on Charles Manson, Mel Lyman, Victor Baranco, and their
by David Felton
seen at http://www.amazon.com.
"The Agency [CIA] is not an intelligence agency. It is a
covert action agency whose role is to overthrow governments.
Disinformation is a major part of its covert action role. The
American people are the primary target of its lies."
- Ralph McGehee, who worked for with the CIA for twenty-five
"Have we gone beyond the bounds of reasonable dishonesty/"
A CIA memo
page 55 Wierd History 101 by John Richard Stephens
So the idea is that if I do not read what the Great Satan wrote, then
the Great Satan cannot
mess with my mind.
Morales and I BOTH have some interesting stories of when the Great Satan
messing with our minds. Each incident cost us MONEY.
1) make it publicy awalible on Internet, as sound, transcript in
I will search for some fluid in German) and a translation to engish.
Suzy, who sent you the email in Hungarian, BY COINCIDENCE had a message
on our recorder
when I returned from Target with the blank tapes.
I told Suzy about your letter and enclosures.
Suzy is FLUENT IN GERMAN, she told me this morning.
The German translation problem may be solved.
I am making a copy of the Swiss Radio International broadcast tape for
her at her request.
2) I will contact Swiss Radio, in order to get as much as possible
verified about
the tapes authentication. I would also streangthens the tapes
authentication if I
have your permission to mentioned that I received it from you. Is
that OK?
And as a result it SURE WORKS well for some applications where
visibility is CRITICAL. I attach
a message that went out this morning.
I read at http://www.aci.net/kalliste/ this morning
PESHAWAR: Saudi dissident Osama Bin Laden for the first time on
Thursday denied his involvement
in the August 7 bombings at the US embassies in Kenya and
The 42-year-old Bin Laden contacted this correspondent on
satellite phone at 9:00 pm on Thursday to
convey his statement through another Islamic leader Dr Ayman
Al-Zawahiri, head of Egyptian Islamic
Jehad organisation which was held responsible for the murder of
Egypt's president Anwar Sadaat.
Following is Bin Laden's message: "Osama Bin Laden calls on the
Ummah to continue Jehad against
Jews and Americans to liberate their holy places. In the meantime,
he denies any involvement in the
Nairobi and Dar es Salaam bombings." ...
The News International Pakistan, August 21, 1998
US president Bill Clinton claims that Osama Bin Laden WAS INVOLVED.
We all have to decide WHO WE BELIEVE: Bill Clinton or Osama Bin Laden.
Barely 45 minutes after Dr Al-Zawahiri's telephonic conversation
with this correspondent, the
Americans struck and reportedly hit both Khost, where he had held
his press conference in May this
year, and Jalalabad, where he first took refuge after arriving
from Sudan in May 1996.
NBC reported this morning that as many as 100 cruise missiles were fired
yesterday. http://www.cdiss.org/devils.htm
10:47 AM first tape finished. I am making the second tape from the
first so as not to wear-out the
original Buehler sent me.
FIRING those cruise missile is SIMPLY GREAT for BUSINESS. The military
can now write MORE
PURCHASE orders for NEW missiles.
What you are posting at your site is related to TERRORISM.
I accidentally stumbled into this mess at the time of the retaliatory
attack on Libya for the bombing of
the La Belle disco.
NSA employee Tom White told me that NSA regarded former president Ronald
Reagan as the US�s
greatest traitor. Naturally, I had to learn more about why.
So perhaps you might think of tracing terrorist attacks starting with
the La Belle at your site.
My SPECULATION is that after what OUR LEADERS did yesterday you will
"Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat
-- George Santyana, 1905
Thank you so much for the letter.
And I hope you don�t mind my attempted EXACT transcription of the major
portion of your letter COMPLETE with English mistakes. WE ALL MAKE
But intelligent people read-through or correct mistakes. And move on to
Several years ago I took a beginning course in Japanese. Azusa Takegami
was the SWEET instructor.
For part of the final exam students had to GIVE A SPEECH IN JAPANESE.
Takegami and Hisako Yamada had the AUDACITY to videotape each student!
Talk about embarrassment!
Patty and I were in Zurich last April. I interviewed at IBM Zurich
Patty and I were IMPRESSED how well about EVERYONE is Switzerland spoke
Most of the people at IBM are Germans.
We asked how they learned to speak English so well.
They responded that ALL Germans are REQUIRED TO TAKE 12 years of English
in school!
For probably the same reasons Iranians have NO TROUBLE reading this.
America is adopting a new NATIONAL LANGUAGE.
Yo hablo y entiendo la idoma nacional nueva de los estado unidos. Mas
or menos.
NEAT to meet you on the Infobahn.
I�ll get the package with the tape into the mail this afternoon.
11:15 AM
Settlement AGAIN
Fri, 21 Aug 1998 07:54:23 -0600
bill payne <[email protected]>
[email protected], william lewis <" Bill.Lewis"@hq.doe.gov>, tyler przybylek <[email protected]>,
steve dillingham <" Steven.Dillingham"@hq.doe.gov>, sandy schneider
<[email protected]>,
Robert Nordhaus <" Robert.Nordhaus"@hq.doe.gov>, joyce laeser <" jlaeser"@doe.lanl.gov>,
george breznay <[email protected]>, ann augustyn <" Ann.Augustyn"@hq.doe.gov>,
[email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]
ted lewis <[email protected]>, [email protected], tom carpenter - halcyon <[email protected]>,
[email protected],
national employee rights institute <[email protected]>, marc rotenberg <[email protected]>,
m robert kestenbaum <[email protected]>, klayman <[email protected]>, jon brock
<[email protected]>, [email protected],
john gilmore <[email protected]>, "jennifer, Aronld Intrater and ray" <" napa"@tmn.com>,
[email protected],
j orlin grabbe <[email protected]>, grassley <[email protected]>, c paul robinson
<[email protected]>,
art morales <[email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected]
Friday 8/21/98 7:23 AM
DOE lawyers and Charlie Jr
We will be doing a Privacy Act violation/defamation lawsuit soon IF WE
don�t get this matter settled.
I lived in the basement apartment in the Luce�s home in Walla Walla in
1958-59 during my last year at Whitman college.
Charlie Jr was REAL SMALL THEN.
I might establish TWO-WAY e-mail contact with Charlie Jr.
Looks like we might have ANOTHER "happy confluence of interests."
I think my previous settlement offer
Thursday 6/11/98 7:06 AM
Robert Nordhaus
Chief Counsel, DOE
Monday May 22, 1994 I wrote
Steve Dillingham, Senior Adjudicator
Office of Contractor Employee Protection
Department of Energy
a settlement letter.
Here are initial non-negotiable portions of any
possible settlement agreement:
1 Back pay with interest from the day I was
2 Back benefits with interest from the day I
was fired,
3 Recovery of 401K losses, with interest, I and
my family have suffered,
to the date settlement is complete.
4 Payment of my salary, with increments, and
benefits until I retire at age 65. ...
As a result of Sandia's and the US Government's
irresponsible and unintelligent actions from which I
was forced to defend, I have almost no chance of
future employment in my profession or elsewhere.
Here is a list of my initial negotiable damage
payments. ...
4 Privacy Act violations regarding irrelevant
material about my past employment taken from
my personnel security file were broadcast by
some Sandians.
Retired Sandia senior fellow Gustavus Simmons in
publications gave the impression that he was somehow
involved in my work on data authentication for the
seismic portion of the US/USSR Comprehensive Test Ban
Treaty (CTBT).
Simmons was not involved in seismic data authentication
Funds obtained by Sandia for my successful National
Security Agency proposal on software voting were used
for other purposes.
My viewgraphs and papers on the CTBT data authenticator
were plagiarized by defendants Wright and Sellars for
their personal profit.
5 I feel that I was underpaid for my
contributions to Sandia and DOE. A
retroactive adjustment to my salary
should be negotiated.
I spoke to my former PhD student Lewis last week.
Lewis advised in addition to the above point to ask for a minimum of
$1,000,000 punitive damages.
The meter is running, I am advised to continue to say.
We are becoming MORE EXPERIENCED at litigation.
More visible too.
Morales and I received our nomination materials in the mail last
Saturday. We need to submit required information.
The Chrysler Award for Innovation in Design, now in its sixth year,
honors outstanding designers (or design teams). Winners are chosen
from across the design disciplines by a judging panel of design
leaders. One the selection is made, Chrysler will award $10,000
to each winner (or winning team) at a ceremony in New York in the
Fall of 1998. Award winners will be flown to New York for the
Award Ceremony.
Thursday 8/20/98 4:10 PM
Aletha L. Brown
Inspector General
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
POB 18858
Washington, D.C. 20036-8858
Dear Inspector General Brown:
Purpose of this letter is to file Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act requests.
JUL 15, 1998 I received the attached FOIA response letter from A Jacy Thurmond.
Thurmond's JUL 15 letter and attachments were included in an envelope postmarked WASHINGTON JUL
23'98 DC.
Included in the envelope were two attached pages labeled COMMENTS.
Final paragraph of the COMMENTS two pages states
You would have no claim under the Privacy Act for the disclosure of this charge file to the charging party.
To maintain a suit for a violation of the Privacy Act's prohibition against disclosure, 5 U.S.C. � 552(b), a
plaintiff must prove that the information disclosed is covered as a "record" contained within a "system of
records," as defined in 5 U.S.C �� (sic) 552a(a) (4) and (5). Davis v. Runyon, 142 F.3d 433 (6th Cir.
1998): Quinn v Stone, 978 F2.d 126, 1`31 (3d Cir. 1992). The Privacy Act defines a "system of records"
as "a group of any records under control of any agency from which information is retrieved by the name of
the individual or by some identifying . . . particular . . . assigned to the individual." 5 U.S.C � 552(a)(a)(5).
Our charge files are indexed by the name of the charging party. They are not indexed, an no records are
therefore retrievable, by the names of third parties mentioned in the charge file. Under these circumstances,
third parties mentioned in the charge file cannot invoke the Privacy Act's prohibition on disclosure with n
respect to that charge file because the file is not a record retrievable by the their party's name. See
Crumpton v United States, 843 F. Supp. 751, 756 (D.D.C. 1994).
Inspector General Brown, the final paragraph in COMMENTS appears to be a legal opinion written by
some anonymous EEOC lawyer(s).
COMMENTS appears to be an ATTEMPT to convince me that I have no recourse to remedy under the law for
release of the false and defaming documents seen at http://www.jya.com/snlhit.htm.
Contrary opinion appears on Intenet at http://www.bxa.doc.gov/FOIA/Foiaintro.htm
Two district courts have gone even further. In Connelly v. Comptroller of the Currency, 673 F. Supp. 1419,
1424 (S.D. Tex. 1987), rev'd on other grounds, 876 F.2d 1209 (5th Cir. 1989), the court construed the broad
"any record" language contained in 5 U.S.C. � 552a(g)(1)(C) to permit a damages action arising from an
allegedly inaccurate record that was not incorporated into a system of records. In a subsequent opinion, the
court in Connelly went on to find a cause of action under subsections (e)(5)and (g)(1)(C) with regard to
records not in a system.
Here are the FACTS surrounding the ATTACHED 11 pages beginning with Sandia National
Laboratories director Michael Robles writing EEOC Director Charles Burtner.
A I never saw the documents until Sandia employee Richard Gallegos gave me a copy in 1997.
B Sandia denied that the documents existed.
C The documents contain factually incorrect information. I did NOTHING WRONG. I followed all
Sandia procedures known to me and obtained all required Sandia approvals.
D I was never given an opportunity to defend myself. http://jya.com/greene.htm
E Neither Sandia nor EEOC had my permission in writing for release of the information.
Ms Brown, under 5 USC 552, the Freedom of Information Act, and 5 USC 552a, the Privacy Act, I request
access to copies
1 All records, including phone conversation notes and memoranda, relating the creation of the COMMENTS
2 Name of the person or persons or any documents containing name(s) of person or persons which reveal who
authored the COMMENTS document.
If all or any part of this request is denied, please cite the specific exemption(s) which you think justifies your
refusal to release the information and inform me of your agency's administrative appeal procedures available to
me under the law.
I would appreciate your handling this request as quickly as possible, and I look forward to hearing from you
within 20 working days, as the law stipulates
William H. Payne
13015 Calle de Sandias
Albuquerque, NM 87111