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NSA and Industry Deal
We offer a report on NSA's "Soft Landing" program
for placing ex-NSA employees in private industry by
offering inducements to contractors:
A novel partnership between the National Security Agency
and industry has helped NSA meet mandated reductions in
personnel levels while at the same time allowing the agency
to refresh its workforce with technically skilled people.
Dubbed "Soft Landing," the program encourages more senior,
and often highly paid, support staff to take jobs in the private
sector, thereby creating openings the agency can fill with the
young computer scientists, mathematicians and engineers it
needs to fulfill its code-making and code-breaking duties.
Additionally, NSA has saved roughly $25 million through the
effort, which was implemented two years ago but has received
no publicity.
While the Soft Landing program has received high-praise
from government officials as well as industry representatives,
some public interest advocates have questioned the effort,
saying it has perhaps created an improper relationship
between the secretive NSA and a select group of contractors.
End excerpt.
Wayne Madsen says the program is a means to plant
sympathetic employees to sway industry NSA's way.
The file includes a second report on NSA's accounting