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Re: Is hate code speech?
On Tue, 25 Aug 1998, William H. Geiger III wrote:
> Yes and if I want to name my variables getwatermelons and somefiredchicken
> who are you to tell me I can't?
Nobody's saying that you can't. This is about liability for
the _results_ of what you type. The same goes for libel:
nobody's saying you _can't_ declare that McDonalds puts dead
rats in their hamburgers, but hoo boy can you and your boss get
sued to pieces if you do. Nothing new here.
Further, this is about someone writing code for a company,
where others read it; not you, Bill Geiger III, writing code
in the privacy of your own basement. Yes, you will get your ass
fired clean off of its hinges if you treat company source code as
your own little bathroom wall.
As for the fact that this code was put there before the woman's
arrival, and pretty clearly not intended for her, that may be
important in the suit. I don't know how successful harassment
suits are when the harassment is undirected --- i.e., crude
graffiti, leaving a copy of Playboy lying around, etc.
On the other hand, only a moron would write source code for
a commercial product without the assumption that other people
will be reading it, and in fact will *have* to read it to get
paid. Any arguments that the coders didn't intend/expect that
the messages would one day be read by a black person is pretty
All in all, then, I'd say she has a good chance of winning.
The whole bit about source code not being speech is irrelevant,
IMHO, since harassment still counts if it ain't speech. The
company's only real defense is to rely on the judge & jury's
technical confusion about what this "source code" stuff is.