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An Extended Version of My Encryption Algorithm WEAK3
I have done a trial implementation of a number of suggestions received
for improving my encryption algorithm WEAK3 and have decided to
integrate a subset of these into WEAK3 to form an extended version of
it designated WEAK3-E. The added features are the following:
1. Text block chaining. Two options are provided. These are similar
though not identical to the block chaining methods PBC and CBCC
as described in B. Schneier's book.
2. Another block chaining method that is specific to our scheme. It
consists in modifying, depending on the text being processed, the
pointers that are used to access the various pseudo-randomly
generated tables of the algorithm.
3. All pseudo-randomly generated tables used in the algorithm can now
be refreshed at user specified periods.
4. Checksums of the chaining values in (1) and (2) above are output
to provide integrity checking.
An implementation in Fortran 90 is available in:
The rationales of design of the base version, WEAK3, are given in
The implemented new features largely follow the suggestions of CWL.
I like also to thank GR and CK for construcive critiques and TPS for
validating the program code. All eventual remaining deficiencies and
errors are however exclusively mine.
A binary executable file for PC may be downloaded through:
Critiques comments and suggestions for improvements are sincerely
M. K. Shen