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Re: simple socket forwarder

Someone expresses a software need: 

> >> Does anyone have a simple packet forwarder to run
> >> on a unix system? I want to set up a daemon on an
> >> account to just redirect traffic from a particular port
> >> to another host for some basic anonymity, but I don't
> >> have experience doing socket coding, nor a book.

The quick and dirty solution here is to log into localhost
with ssh and forward the port.  You can screen the ssh, detach
it, and forget about it.  

For instance, if I want to forward connects on port 9999 on
unix.com to the NNTP port on news.naughty.net, I simply say

         screen ssh -R 9999:news.naughty.net:119 localhost

Then type the password to the account you are running it on, 
and detach it.  It will live until the next reboot, happily
forwarding connects to the appropriate destination.

You can also do this with a bounce, or with some of the Hax0r 
socket utilities, but this is the quickest solution that's 
probably already there. 

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