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Break the code...from RSA [CNN]

Forwarded message:

> X-within-URL: http://www.cnn.com/TECH/computing/9812/23/codecrack.idg/

>                        RSA WANTS YOU TO CRACK THIS CODE
>     [INLINE]
>    December 23, 1998
>    Web posted at: 10:30 AM EST
>    by Rebecca Sykes
>    (IDG) -- RSA Data Security will host another contest to break the U.S.
>    government's Data Encryption Standard at the RSA Data Security
>    Conference in San Jose, Calif., in January.
>    The 56-bit DES encryption algorithm is widely used and has been broken
>    in the contest before, most recently in July in a record three days.

[text deleted]


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