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whois servers (fwd)

----- Forwarded message from Richard J. Sexton -----

>From [email protected]  Tue Jan  4 01:21:08 2000
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From: "Richard J. Sexton" <[email protected]>
Subject: whois servers
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Date: Tue,  4 Jan 2000 02:19:52 -0500 (EST)
Sender: [email protected]
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Ok, I'm going to bug people to get whois servers up now. I have the
code and I'll pass it here.

First go get and install MySQL. Posty here when you have it
installed, and we'll define the tables then install the code.

Richard J. Sexton     [email protected]    +1 (613) 473-1719
http://dns.vrx.list/tech/rootzone        richard%[email protected]

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