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remailers & anon.penet

Earlier, Chael Hall presented a creative and ingenious way to get
somebody's pseudonym on anon.penet.fi (well, at least the pseuodynm's
of remailers, if any).

But I think the attack won't work because Johan recently put a
password requirement into his software: with no password, the message
will bounce back.  Thus, in the attack described, the message will
wind up in your mailbox, alerting you that somebody is trying to
figure out your id!

Geez, this is somewhat exciting - reminds me of a _True Names_ world
in which others are constantly trying to figure out your real identity
while working to conceal theirs!

| Karl L. Barrus                    |
| elee9sf@menudo.uh.edu             | <- preferred address
| barrus@tree.egr.uh.edu (NeXTMail) |