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Some of you know the sender of the below message, please don't blow my
cover, I'm testing the remailers and people's knowledge of message id's
(if that would even be an accurate way of tracing the message).  

Cypherpunks remailer addresses and headers from those sites appear below.

If you can trace the origin (sender) of this message please send me mail
personally rather than to the list.  I'm using my favorite remailer here
and I want to make sure it's working right.  

I have sent mail to the below sites as a test for anonymous remailing
returns and to see what headers I get back. It has been maybe 4 days now
since I began this experiment, some of the sites below have still not
remailed my test message.

My main curiosity in this quest is to determine what each header will look
like when the mail is recieved.  I think this is important in determining
which remailer to use.  

The below is the list of remailers with the "unique header to remailer" info
below each site number.  

If you wish to discuss this matter further, please send a follow up
message to the cypher list with your address included and "Re: Unique
header".  I'm really not too concerned about remaining anonymous, I just
want to see if this scheme is really airtight! 


A typical mail header looks similar to the below:
(I have removed the date, time, etc. to protect my privacy) 

From [email protected] Thu Jul x 00:38:01 1993
Received: by ahost.some.school.edu (5.57/Ultrix3.0/cc-ix.mc-1.5)
	id AA02491; Thu, x Jul 93 19:00:54 -0500
Received: from kksys.mn.org by uum1.mn.org with bsmtp
	(Smail3.1.28.1 #3) id m0oE6Du-00007JC; Thu,x Jul 93 00:21 CDT
Received: from rebma by kksys.mn.org with uucp
	(Smail3.1.28.1 #13) id m0oE5jG-0007TsC; Thu,x Jul 93 00:50 CDT
Received: by rebma.rebma.mn.org (Smail3.1.28.1 #1)
	id m0oE6nS-0002CzC; Thu, 8 Jul 93 17:58 PDT
Message-Id: <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, x Jul 93 17:58 PDT
To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Subject: 9
Remailed-By: Mr. Nobody <[email protected]>
Status: O

Check out the pub/cypherpunks directory at soda.berkeley.edu
(  Instructions on how to use the remailers are in the
remailer directory, along with some unix scripts and dos batch files.

=========This is where the list of remailers and headers begins===========

*** Please keep in mind that in the below I included only the "unique to
*** remailer" parts of the header.***

 1: [email protected] 

From: Anonymous <[email protected]>
To: omitted
X-Remailed-By: Anonymous <[email protected]>
X-Ttl: 0
X-Notice: This message was forwarded by a software-
	  automated anonymous remailing service.

 2: [email protected] 

From: [email protected]

 3: [email protected] 

No response after 4 days

 4: [email protected] 

From: [email protected]
Remailed-By: Eric Hollander <[email protected]>

 5: [email protected] 

From: [email protected]
Remailed-By: Tommy the Tourist <tommy@out>

 6: [email protected] 

From: [email protected]
Comments: This message is NOT from the person listed in the From
 line.  It is from an automated software remailing service operating at
 that address.  Please report problem mail to <[email protected]>.

 7: [email protected] 

From: nobody@eli-remailer
Remailed-By: Eli Brandt <[email protected]>
Source-Info:  From (or Sender) name not authenticated.

 8: [email protected] 

No response after 4 days

 9: [email protected] 

From: [email protected]
Remailed-By: Mr. Nobody <[email protected]>

** The reamiler at rebma.mn.org took 3+ days to remail.  This could be an
advantage to some, disadvantage to others.  You decide.

10: [email protected] 

From: [email protected]

11: [email protected] 

From: [email protected]
Comments: This message is NOT from the person listed in the From
 line.  It is from an automated software remailing service operating at
 that address.  Please report problem mail to <[email protected]>.

12: [email protected] 

From: [email protected]
Remailed-By: Anonymous <[email protected]>

13: [email protected] 

From: [email protected]
Remailed-By: Anonymous <[email protected]>

14: [email protected] 

Received: by soda.berkeley.edu (5.65/KAOS-1)
	id AA13859; Tue, 6 Jul 93 03:09:09 -0700
Received: by merde.dis.org (4.1/SMI-4.2)
	id AA04354; Tue, 6 Jul 93 03:11:48 PDT
From: [email protected]
Remailed-By: remailer bogus account <[email protected]>

15: [email protected] 

No response ever!  ...unless you use encryption.  Details will follow in
the near future.  

#1-#5		no encryption of remailing requests
#6-#14		support encrypted remailing requests
#15		special - header and message must be encrypted together
#9,#14,#15	introduce larger than average delay (not direct connect)
#9,#14,#15      running on privately owned machines