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Re: PGP progress report

> PGP-RSAREF negotiations are plodding along with J. Berman of EFF as 
> an intermediary. The developers are unsure of the reasons for the slow
> pace.  J. Bidzos is supposed to make a major public announcement on 
> this avenue very soon.
This is good news.

I believe I've managed to overcome the legal obstacles to RSAREF+GNU
MP. This is of interest because PGP+RSAREF+GNU MP is actually
considerably faster than PGP on a number of platforms (at least Sun
Sparc, IBM RS6000, 80486 Linux).

(for those who are interested, overcoming the obstacles involved my
writing a public domain implementation of a subset of the
functionality of libgmp with the same interface. The subset is, in
fact, pretty much what you want to do RSA, LUC &c. My free code is
slower than GNU gmp, but it is functional. For more details, see the
last few weeks of gnu.misc.discuss).

Mark Henderson
[email protected] (personal account)
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