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Are we gatewayed into USENET?

For a moment there, yes. But alas, I have the problem fixed. You see,
I was gating the list into a local group for my own purposes, and was not 
aware my machine (albemuth) was batching the list outgoing. My smarthost 
asked about this as it was being junked on his end. Well evidently, the
junking stopped and alas <cypherpunks.list> starting showing up on 

The problem is corrected. Sorry if anyone is upset, but alas, shit 
happens. ;)

Christian Void /T71 | "I don't like it, and I'm sorry I | VMResearch, Inc.
[email protected]    | ever had anything to do with it." | P.O. Box 170213
Tel. 1+415-807-5491 |  -Erwin Schrodinger  (1887-1961)  | SF, CA  94117
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