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Re: McCarthy, etc.

>[examples of McCarthy, Watergate, Kennedy]

>It seems to me that all are examples of how evasion, stonewalling, and
>counterattacks on Truth-seeking probes, by high-ranking officials
>seeking to promote unsavory or criminal personal `agendas' and their
>own respectability at all costs, led to monstrous consequences that
>demolished public trust in their most delicate and hallowed
>institutions for decades. Truly black consequences.

I fail to see your point in this: was there any pseudospoofing in the
above scenarios?  Anybody lie about their own identity?

Your argument is a non-sequitur.  For example, I could expound about
the crimes of Ivan the Terrible and then conclude pseudospoofing is
bad.  However, this doesn't make any sense.

Even so, just because somebody "pseudospoofs" doesn't mean they are
out to promote their own criminal agenda.  Your arguments are always
hypothetical: if somebody pseudospoofs then blah blah blah.  Why don't
you call for the ban of automobiles because innocent people are killed
in accidents?

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