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Re: Remailer Tearline Conventions

Bill Stewart said:
> Julf's anon.penet.fi remailer  cuts off anything resembling a signature,
> using the convention that a -- line (or maybe an all-dash line?)
> is a signature, since some of the common mail and news programs use that,

Picking any fixed sig marker is likely to cause problems -- notice
how often anon.penet.fi messages show up truncated due to a line of
hyphens.  A more flexible possibility: allow an X-Sig-Marker: header,
which specifies a pattern/regexp to strip after.  Actually, the
sig marker line itself should be stripped as well, in case it
contains identifying information.

> formal and mimeish, or a simpler '--truncate here--' sort of line
> that gets retained across remailing so additional junk doesn't accrete.

I don't see the problem you're guarding against.  Could you explain?
Seems that sig elision needs to be done once, by the first hop, and
then you're home free.

   Eli   [email protected]