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Re: Enuf is enuf!

On Fri, 18 Feb 1994, Johan Helsingius wrote:
> > Yes, I, too have a Compuserve account - I use it for about 10 minutes a
> > month, usually for figuring out airline schedules and surfing Newsgrid.
> Isn't there any way we could make even that stuff available on the Internet,
> so that there wouldn't be any need to use CS at all?

My local Bell in (810) has a free system called "touch-4."  It's just a 
voicemail system but it has airline schedules and the cheapest rates if 
you give it a destination and a date.  You need to listen to a couple 
commercials but it's a free call for me.  I don't know if any of this 
information is on the net.
        _            __  __      _ _ _        
    _  | |___ _ _   |  \/  |__ _| | (_)_ _   <*>  Jonathan Scott Mallin
   | |_| / _ \ ' \  | |\/| / _` | | | | ' \  <*>  <[email protected]>
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