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Re: Wow, what a key!

Ed Carp says:
> In that spirit, spurred on by my f**king netcom account being broken into 
> by some idiot with a packet sniffer, I've been looking into hacking 
> "pgptalk" (actually, ytalk with a popen() call to pgp and D-H key 
> exchange) to provide the same sort of functionality for telnet.  The 
> target platforms are SunOS (which is what netcom runs) and linux.

As I've mentioned previously to people, there is an actual, live,
honest to god RFC for doing authentication and encryption of telnet
sessions, and the 4.4 BSD release contains the actual, honest to god
code. I would suggest looking at that before reinventing the wheel.
All sites ought to support it -- its a big win.
