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MAIL: remailer list


1) two new remailers!  [email protected] and [email protected]

I put the public keys up at the gopher site (chaos.bsu.edu) and once
the semester is over I will get organized and upload to

2) Matt Ghio's update list of email-to-usenet gateways, gained from
trolling misc.test.  Thanks!


Cypherpunk anonymous remailers, 5/1/94

Q1: What are the anonymous remailers?

 1: [email protected]
 2: [email protected]
 3: [email protected]
 4: [email protected]
 5: [email protected]
 6: [email protected]
 7: [email protected]
 8: [email protected]
 9: [email protected]
10: [email protected]
11: [email protected]
12: [email protected]
13: [email protected]


1-3		no encryption of remailing requests
4-11		support encrypted remailing requests
11		special - header and message must be encrypted together
7,10,13		introduce larger than average delay (not direct connect)
1,2,7,10,13  	running on privately owned machines
4,8,9		features USENET posting
11		features anonymous pools
8,13		located outside of the U.S.


Q2.  Other Services:

  1. Miron Cuperman's anonymous pool.

     To subscribe, send mail to [email protected].

     Mail sent to [email protected] will be sent to all
     subscribers of the anonymous pool.

  2. Matt Ghio's pseudo-account remailer.

     Send mail to [email protected]

     You will receive an encrypted mail address of the form
       [email protected]

     Mail sent to this address will be forwarded to you.

     Mail sent to [email protected] will return a list of
     remailers to you.

     Mail sent to
     [email protected]
     will be forwarded on to [email protected]

  3. Jay Prime Positive's mail pool
     Send mail to [email protected], and the mail will be
     encrypted with the key matching 0x123456, and sent to alt.test
     with a subject line of "Ignore 0x123456"

     To add a key, send to [email protected].  The body of the
     message should contain the public key in pgp format.  If there is
     a key clash, a message with the subject "Ignore jpp=poolnew key
     already in use"

  4. Finger [email protected] for instructions and a ping report.

  5. Usenet posting:

     [email protected] and [email protected] allow posting to
     usenet with the following syntax:

     Request-Remailing-To: news.group

     [email protected] uses the following syntax:

     Post-To: news.group OR Anon-Post-To: news.group

Q3: What help is available?

1. Look in ftp://soda.berkeley.edu/pub/cypherpunks/remailer
   (soda.berkeley.edu =

chain.zip             - program that helps with using remailers
dosbat.zip            - MSDOS batch files that help with using remailers
hal's.instructions.gz - in depth instruction on how to use
hal's.remailer.gz     - remailer code
pubkeys.tar.gz        - public keys of remailers which support encryption
pubkeys.zip           - MSDOS zip file of public keys
scripts.tar.gz        - scripts that help with using remailers

2. Or try to gopher to chaos.bsu.edu and look in 
   "Anonymous Mail"/Remailer Instructions"

3. Cypherpunks WWW home page is


Q4.  Email-to-Usenet gateways?

  1: [email protected]
  2: [email protected]
  3: [email protected]
  4: [email protected]
  5: [email protected]
  6: [email protected]
  7: [email protected]
  8: [email protected]
  9: [email protected]
 10: [email protected]
 11: [email protected]
 12: [email protected]


*  This does not include ones that work for single groups, like twwells.com.
*  Remember to include a Subject: with your post, may cause failures
   if missing
#6 blocks from non-berkeley sites (so use the berkeley remailers :-)


This is the remailer.data file I use with pingmail, a script for
pinging anonymous remailers:

01:n:[email protected]
02:n:[email protected]
03:n:[email protected]
04:n:[email protected]
05:y:[email protected]
06:y:[email protected]
07:y:[email protected]
08:y:[email protected]
09:y:[email protected]
10:y:[email protected]
11:y:[email protected]
12:y:[email protected]
13:s:[email protected]

Version: 2.3a


Karl L. Barrus: [email protected]         
keyID: 5AD633 hash: D1 59 9D 48 72 E9 19 D5  3D F3 93 7E 81 B5 CC 32 

"One man's mnemonic is another man's cryptography" 
  - my compilers prof discussing file naming in public directories