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Re: Regional Lists
> Can I have the address for the following lists?
> On Mon, 27 Jun 1994, Timothy C. May wrote:
> > -meeting plans, or somesuch, devoted to planning regional meetings
> > -Hardware Punks (for those interested in RNGs, phones, boxes, etc.)
> > -Lib Tech or Tech Lib (Nick Szabo)
> Roger.
I guess I didn't make myself clear: these lists are so low in
traffic--or no traffic--that I don't even know their precise name, let
alone their address. Sorry.
But the operators of these lists can, if they see these messages,
The "meetings plans" list was set up by Eric Hughes to cope with the
dialog involving upcoming meetings in non-Bay Area sites. A flurry of
messages in April and May, but nothing in June--and I heard nothing
about LA, DC, Boston, Colorado, Seattle, or London meeting in June.
The soda site may have info.
The hardware punks list was formed more than a year ago. I have no
idea who was involved.
Nick Szabo set up the "Lib Tech" or "Tech Lib" list. His address is
szabo@netcom.com. I've only seen a few messages on it.
Which brings me to why all these "secondary" list fail. Someone gets
enthused about random number generators and proposes a list (yes, this
has happened at least twice). Or a "Stealth PGP" list. Or whatever.
Sometimes the lists even are formed.
But without a critical mass of posts, interest wanes. The addresses
are forgotten (hell, look how many people can't remember the
majordomo@toad.com address!), the list dies. Plus, there's just not a
big call for a "hardware list," given that only a few folks are
working on hardware. (If you think that this is in fact a _reason_ for
them to form a sublist, you need to think about things some more.)
In any case, active sublists should be mentioned periodically here.
Else why bother?
I only know of a few active or semi-active lists:
* The Extropians list. Instructions have changed (I think) since I was
last on it, so I won't offer it here.
* The "Digital Anarchy" list. digianarch@aol.com, as of 1994-04-17.
May have changed recently. (I've been on it since the start, but find
it fairly tedious and lacking the piquancy that crypto gives our
list....their list has a bunch of folks debating anarchy and how "free
access to the Net" will be provided.)
* Surfpunk List. Strick's personal zine, usually resending stuff from
our list or related lists. surfpunk@versant.com.
--Tim May
Timothy C. May | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
tcmay@netcom.com | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
408-688-5409 | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
W.A.S.T.E.: Aptos, CA | black markets, collapse of governments.
Higher Power: 2^859433 | Public Key: PGP and MailSafe available.
"National borders are just speed bumps on the information superhighway."