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Re: How to legally circumvent the PGP 2.6 "legal kludge"!

    Date: Tue, 19 Jul 94 5:48:41 +1800
    From: Paul Elliott <[email protected]>
     How to legally circumvent the PGP 2.6 Legal Kludge.

[ Analysis of and clever workaround for legal_kludge deleted ]
    This kludge may seem to be too kludgy! It is asking a lot to ask users
    to type such a thing! But is this really a problem? Most users do not
    invoke PGP directly. They usually invoke PGP thru a mail program or
    some other shell program.  These shell programs can be easily modified
    to do the right thing.  In the worst case, people could define a shell
    alias to invoke pgp with the incantation!
    This discovery will allow people who must use PGP 2.6 to communicate
    with people with earlier versions of PGP!

All of this is true.  As someone who decided to start using 2.6, and
who typically invokes it indirectly, I will start using it.  However,
Bizdos and buddies have still succeeded to some extent.  Some people
will use 2.6 without any attempt to bypass legal_kludge.  Also
Detweiler . . . I mean, Sue . . . may already be sending 800 zillion
copies of your message to rsa.com.
