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Re: ecash trial issues explained

: There is a sort of (limited) Freenet system in Holland called DDS, 
: people can request an account, (wich usually takes 48 hours), if youre
: - -really- want ECash fast, get an Dutch-English dictionary and type:

:     telnet dds.nl

You will then have a WWW-like page:

	choose  * dutch (english translation) (position)

* ga de stad binnen (enter the city) (1)
  * aanmelden als DDS bewoner (apply for account) (14)

	voornaam (first name)
	achternaam (last name)
	adres (adress)
	postcode (zipcode)
	stad (city)
	land (county) (just backspace NEDERLAND)
	tel overdag (day time telephone)
	tel 's avonds (evening telephone) (ie 020-6 555 123)

	toegangsnaam (login) (max 8 characters)
	password (password)

Then choose "lever aanvraag in" (submit) and in approx 48 hours you'll
have an Dutch -same timezone as DigiCash- account.

One of the limitations of the DDS is that mail only can be send to
adresses that are in the .nl domain, so you cannot forward your mail.

For reading your mail choose:

* ga de stad binnen (enter the city)
	* postkantoor (postoffice)
		* lees/schrijf email {Pine} (use email facilities)
		in Pine choose "L postvakken"
		and then       "Inkomend"  (incoming)

The status line of Pine has been translated into Dutch:

? help  | M hoofd |P vorig |- vorg bl  |d verwijd |r antw
O overig| V bekijk|N volge |spc volg bl|u herstel |f doors

? help  | M main  |P prev  |- last page |d delete |r reply
O other | V View  |N next  |spc next pag|u undelet|f forward

Hope this helps, if you have any problems/questions please email me.
Exit! Stage Left.
Alex de Joode					<[email protected]>