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Re: FV & PGP (was Re: First Virtual email security)


Excerpts from fv: 16-Dec-94 Re: FV & PGP (was Re: First.. Mike
Ellsworth@firewall. (1283*)

> >Without cryptography how exactly are you going to protect my credit card
> >numbers from sniffer-snoopers and crackers?  Either you will send the
> >credit card text in the clear, or it will be encrypted somehow.  Or perhaps
> >you will have customers call you over the phone to give you their credit
> >card info?  

> I would also like to be convinced on this point.  It seems that it's an
> either/or.  Either the info is in the clear, and thus vulnerable, or it's
> encrypted, and safer.

Once more, with feeling:

It is NOT an either/or.  In the First Virtual system, the credit card
number NEVER GOES OVER THE NET AT ALL, which means that it doesn't go
over the net in the clear AND it doesn't go over the net encrypted.  

Please check out [email protected] or URL http://www.fv.com for more
information.  -- Nathaniel
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