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(Yet Another?) Netscape Crack Web page

I've been waiting to see here an annoucement of some web page toward
which direct ppl that want more infos on the great (congrats) job
 from Ian and David, but as I saw none (maybe it's on its way, delay
seem pretty high those days on the list mail, in that case, sorry...)
and someone asked me more infos, on my sources,... I've set up a small
web pages with some infos collected here on


It includes few remote pointers, a copy of the original ian's post,
the NYT article, the Wall Street journal one, and... the source file
that I received from an european source (and incidently a summary from
me in french)

Please send me comments , corrections, additional pointers,... (it is
not meant to ne exhaustive anyway)

Best regards

Laurent Demailly * http://hplyot.obspm.fr/~dl/ * Linux|PGP|Gnu|Tcl|...  Freedom
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