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Re: Council of Europe proposes to outlaw strong encryption (fwd)

Duncan Frissell writes:
> Question for Perry -- I'm assuming that it will soon be possible to
> originate encrypted TCP/IP sessions with a distant "process" somewhere.  Do
> you see technical problems with a TCP/IP laundry being established
> "somewhere" that strips trace info from one of my processes and prevents
> back tracing beyond the mouth of this encrypted pipe?

It can be done (in some sense its just an extension of the Socks
protocol), but I'm not sure how easy it will be to prevent all traffic
analysis on the thing. Also, if this gets done frequently, it sort of
screws up our attempts to keep up the efficiency of traffic in the network.

> Also Perry, what did you think of the article "How Anarchy Works" in the
> latest Wired on the IETF?

I haven't read it, although the IETF is certainly (whether it knows it
or not) an organization run on anarchist lines.
