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NPR reports on Digital Express Secure Telephone

Digital Express coverage on NPR.  Seastrom and Shiller(sp?) talking
over a powerbook using PGPPhone.  Demonstrating secure telephones!

Edward Appel, director of counterintelligence FBI representative on
National Security Council is quoted.  "It's very easy for a criminal
or a terrorist of a spy to use this for their advantage."

Reporter "You can connect to an MIT computer and get pgp-phone, you

MIT Press 900 page book from PGP!  "You can carry that book with you,
anywhere you want in the world... Export control laws don't cover

Hal Abelson, MIT advisor to MIT press, etc, etc, ...

Appel "It's clearly not some weird form of poetry.  It is source code,
it is a program, ... if you can use it to tell the computer what to do
then it is part of the machine itself..."

The authors of PGP say "The real threat is that this technology is not
distributed widely enough..."