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The 4th Estate

	I am a freelance journalist who has been 'lurking' on your list
for about six months now. I have a great interest in cryptography and the
mathematics behind cyphers. I write a weekly column about computers and
the Internet in a small town newspaper in Brantford Ontario. I was
particularly interested in the SSL crack that took place recently and I
wrote an article about the feat and talked about some of the implications
of this use of the Internet. 
	In previous articles I have spoken about the need for widespread,
strong, cryptography to both protect personal privacy and to aid secure
business communications. I have been following the debate about a 
Cypherpunk spokesperson with some interest and I thought that I would 
throw in my two cents worth (2.5 cents Canadian! :-})
	It is always difficult to get a group of strong individualists 
to agree to a common cause or to allow one person to become a spokesman 
for the group. Such a position grants a certain amount of 'power', for 
lack of a better word, to such a person. I think that there is no need 
for such a person. Each of us has a different point of view that, while 
sharing some common ideas, cannot be reconciled with any 'official' position.
	I think that the accomplishments of the group speak volumes and 
have no fear, the public is listening. I do, however, detect some small 
amount of smugness attached to comments about 'Joe Sixpack'. While it is 
true that the average citizen is not interested in esoteric subjects such 
as cryptography, do not underestimate the importance of communicating 
with them. Their votes and elected representatives will control the 
future legislation regarding cryptography. It is vital that they 
understand just what is at stake in this debate, and that they make 
decisions based upon knowledge and not upon fear.
	Therefore, it is important that we ALL do our share of 
communicating with the press and the public. Without our input, the 
scaremongerers will carry the day.
	In the meantime, keep up the good work. If anyone wants copies of 
the articles that appeared in the paper, E-mail me and I will send them. 
If there is enough demand I will post them to the list. Don't worry, 
they are only about 700 words each.


Tim Philp
Brantford, Ontario

Version: 2.6
