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Re: e$: Seven Days

At 6:36 AM 12/16/95, Timothy C. May wrote:

>By the way, in honor of the "geodesic network" and "geodesic payment
>systems," and the geodesic dome the party was in, I propose we rename "e$"
>with a more fitting name: "buckybucks." Or just "buckys" for short. ("Did
>you remember to replenish the buckybits?")

Snoop Bucky Bucks?

Sounds like a Cyberdog part to me...

<ducking many tomatoes>

Maybe not...

Bob Hettinga

Robert Hettinga ([email protected])
e$, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA (617) 958-3971
"Reality is not optional." --Thomas Sowell
The NEW(!) e$ Home Page: http://thumper.vmeng.com/pub/rah/
>>>>Phree Phil: Email: [email protected]  http://www.netresponse.com/zldf <<<<<