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A weakness in PGP signatures, and a suggested solution

Just a note to Dr. Dmitri Vulis -- your post by this name appears to have 
been forge-cancelled on mail. cypherpunks 1/1/96 at 4:13 EST.  Two 
replies also forge-cancelled.

Anybody running lazarus on mail.cypherpunks?  Might be an interesting 

Dr. Vulis, can you repost the item to this list?

Best,  Clark

      .---.        .----------- *     ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
     /     \  __  /    ------ *        [email protected]
    / /     \(..)/    ----- *         ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
   //////   ' \/ `   ---- *
  //// / // :    : --- *                     PERMISSION TO
 \\/ / * / /`    '--*                        COPY / REPOST
  \*/      * //..\\
           '//||\\`  N E M O..M E..I M P U N E..L A C E S S I T