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Re: Starting an e-cash bank

On Sat, 30 Dec 1995, Ryan Lackey wrote:

> What would it take to start an anonymous, private, secure, etc. etc. bank
> issuing e-cash, located in a country without taxes/etc.? 

I think this idea of a new e-cash bank or other kind of financial 
institution sounds very good. I have been thinking of the same thing here 
in Estonia, to set up a financial institution issuing e-cash for people 
here, but I think this would not in any way be an easy task. I am not 
very familiar with local legislation about financial and credit 
institutions, but I know that at least for banks the minimum equity 
capital or what you call it must be 50 million Estonian kroons (4 million 
US dollars). But I still think that for issuing e-cash and opening e-cash 
accounts you might not need to have such kind of capital. What does it 
take to be called a bank?

And how easy is it to start a bank in some caribbean country or similar 
tax haven? What are the minimum requirements?

Juri Kaljundi
[email protected]
Digiturg http://www.digit.ee/