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Re: What to do about Germany


Hello "Michael C. Peponis" <[email protected]>
  and [email protected]
M.C.P. wrote:
...[in reply to someone Re: Compu$erve vs Germany]...
> But that's a GERMAN law, the Internet is an INTERNATIONAL community.  
> If we have to respect the laws of Germany, and their customs and 
> archaic belief systems, them we have to give the same consideration 
> to anyother countries backwords, morality-based, mentality.  There 

What if the laws actually contradict each other?

Eg if there was a country that forbade women speaking on the net, and
another that forbade distinctions between men and women to be made?

(Sorry about the example, ladies, but it's one that comes to mind...)

I guess at that stage one or the other of the countries will cut itself
off the net.

BTW, in the January 96 *Australian Personal Computer*, an opinion
column draws a comparison between the attitude to the Internet and
the (ancient) obligation for a motor car to be preceeded by someone
carrying a red flag... Not such a bad metaphor, I thought.

> But when you go to a sexualy 
> explicit newsgroup, what do you think you will find, what is the 


Adiau - Jiri
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