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Re: Jan 13 Mountain View CA meeting


Did you have any specific time in mind?

- -rich

[email protected] (Marianne Mueller) wrote:
>Hi all, happy new year. 
>The Jan 13 Mountain View, California meeting will be held again
>at Sun Microsystems, at Sparcy's cafeteria.   That's building 21, 
>in the set of Sun buildings near Shoreline Park in Mountain View. 
>Take 101 to Amphitheater Parkway exit, turn left onto Charleston 
>at the light (this street is also named Garcia at its far end)
>and follow the purple Sun signs for building 21.   You'll drive
>down Charleston (Garcia) for about 1/3 mile and then turn right
>onto a road that in about 3 blocks takes you to B21. 
>Please send mail if you have a topic you would like to speak about,
>and I'll send out a speaking agenda towards the end of the week. 
>[email protected]
>[email protected] 
>p.s. I'll bring bagels again but since I never got reimbursed 
>last time around I think I will put out the donation jar this
>time ...! 

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