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Re: Domains, InterNIC, and PGP (and physical locations of hosts, to boot)

At 3:00 AM 1/10/96, Bill Stewart wrote:
>At 11:15 PM 1/6/96 -0500, Michael Handler <[email protected]> wrote:
>>    ftp://ds.internic.net/rfc/rfc1876.txt
>>Again, I'm not too sure of the viability of this proposal. Not on
>>effectiveness of proving true location -- it is more geared toward
>>"visual 3-D packet tracing" -- but simply because I have _no_ fricking
>>idea where our machines are (in terms of lat and long) to any degree
>>of accuracy.
>There are several geography servers on the net, which can tell you
>the lat/long for a city (more useful if your city is, say,
>Holmdel NJ than if it's Los Angeles.)

For what it's worth, you can use the mapping software at
<http://tiger.census.gov> to find your location fairly accurately; you may
need another map to locate yourself, since the streets are unlabeled. I
managed to figure out that I'm currently at latitude 37.3435 degrees,
longitude -121.8925 degrees. I think that's correct to within about 100
feet or so.

 - Tim

Anyone with a GPS device, feel free to stop by; I'm in unit A2, and I've
got homebrew in the fridge.

Tim Dierks - Software Haruspex - [email protected]
If you can't lick 'em, stick 'em on with a big piece of tape. - Negativland